Canadian Camping Gear Manufacturers
We love to support Canadian companies so here’s a list so you too can support local! If we’ve missed anyone on our growing list, let us know! Also check out our list of Canadian Canoe Manufacturers and Canadian Canoe Paddle makers.
Adotec creates unique, lightweight and functional outdoor gear hand made in Canada.
Agawa Canyon (based out of Uxbridge Ontario) makes folding bow saws. They started as a Kickstarter campaign in 2001 and have grown since then.
Aqua Quest has a wide rage of waterproof tarps, duffels, backpacks, cases, dry bags and other great gear for camping. They are based in Courtenay, British Columbia.
•A•T•U•K• Tents is based out of Saint-Élie-de-Caxton, Québec who manufacturers tents, anoraks, stoves and other camping gear.
Boreal Mountain Anoraks
Boreal Mountain Anoraks are a small Canadian company that make hand crafted Anoraks, and wool products.
Boreal Outdoor Innovations in Mississauga, Ontario makes custom designed camping gear and accessories. If you are a hot tenter/winter camper you will appreciate their wood stove and tent accessories.
Bowman Bags & Gear
Bowman Bags & Gear makes handmade custom and unique bags and pouches for both everyday use and your outdoor adventures from hiking, camping or travelling abroad. Based out of Richmond Hill, Ontario this is a new home based business and we look forward to what’s to come.
Esker Outdoors offers Canadian made camping equipment (including a folding wooden bucksaw) and Winter tents made from North American materials. Based out of Etobicoke, Ontario this company offers a five-year warranty on all of their products.
Helsdon Outdoors
Helsdon Outdoors make suspension bridged hammocks that have weather protection and back support. Helsdon Outdoors is from Straffordville, Ontario.
Hotcore makes sleeping bags, tents and a wide range of camping gear accessories at affordable prices. They are 100% Canadian owned and operated.
KIHD Products have lightweight camping gear, namely a range of stick stoves entirely fabricated in Burlington Ontario.
Kluane Mountaineering was created in 1971 and makes down jackets, sleeping bags, quilts and more. All products are 100% Canadian made in their shop in Edmonton, Alberta.
Little Shop of Hammocks
Little Shop of Hammocks makes hammocks, quilts (top and under) all made from Canadian down. Each order is hand made in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Lure of the North
Lure of the North is tucked into the woods near Espanola, Ontario and they make all the clothing you could possibly want for cold weather adventures.
Nanuk is a Canadian company who makes protective cases similar to Pelican cases. They have great latches and will keep your more sensitive camping and camera gear safe while paddling.
North Water in Vancouver, British Columbia has a wide rage of safety equipment for your next canoeing or kayaking adventure.
Northern Ultralight
Northern Ultralight makes some incredibly light bags and packs out of Nelson, British Columbia.
The Original Bug Shirt Company operates out of Powassan, Ontario and makes one of the best bug jackets on the market.
Bill Ostrom brought back Ostrom Outdoors in 2018 and has been creating a bunch of new options to make your next canoeing trip easier. Check out their canoe packs, barrel harnesses and accessories.
This made in Canada invention is a must have for any canoeiest. The PortagePal lashes together two paddles and makes it a cinch to carry them and your canoe at the same time.
Andy from Recreational Barrel Works Inc. designs and creates waterproof and critter-proof canoe tripping barrels, barrel harnesses, canoe packs and accessories. If you’re looking for a way to organize your food while tripping, be sure to check out their barrel organizers.
Salus makes everything from PFDs to full suits to keep you safe while paddling. Salus has been around since 1999 in a century old refurbished warehouse in Kitchener, Ontario. Almost every Salus PFD is made in Canada.
Scotty makes some awesome hand pumps for getting water out of your craft and are based out of B.C. Although they are geared more for use in Kayaks, the double action pump would help your canoe get out of trouble very efficiently.
Suluk46 is based out of Toronto, Ontario and has a variety of lightweight, engineered camping gear.
TAIGA Outdoor Equipment is designed and manufactured in Vancouver, B.C. and includes a wide range of clothing and camping gear.
Westcomb has been designing, manufacturing and warehousing their technical shells, insulated outerwear, mid layers and shirts for over 30 years in Vancouver, B.C.
Whisky Jack Outdoor Co. makes premium traditional Freight Toboggans, hand made in Ontario. Be sure to check out their bags and accessories to make your winter camping trips all the easier to pull to your destination.